Friday, December 3, 2010

How active are retirees?

I just saw a network news segment about the biggest concern when people retire. They talk about the number 1 danger being possible inactivity when people retire. This has to be an east coast attitude! I’ve never known a retiree who just stopped! Correct me if I’m wrong. The only things I’ve ever seen that inhibit activity level are health and finances. Travel becomes restricted and then impossible as ones health declines. Then there are the people who seem to do everything at a walk! You know, those people who started and ran a business and still had time for fun throughout their life. But we know in reality they are really, constantly in motion. Their definition of putsing around and ours is very different. My husband’s definition of maintaining the summer place is very different than anyone else I know. He had to install a filtration system, a new air conditioner, and helps every neighbor with their issue! My idea of relaxing is just that! Give me a recliner and a good campfire and I am entertained! Am I to assume that when I get to retirement my friends will end up sitting in front of the TV with the remote control and a bag of chips?

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