Monday, November 22, 2010

Go RVing!

One of the web sites that caught my interest quite a while ago is RV Dreams. In it you can find everything there is to know about living life on the road. It’s a choice many retired folks make, and some who haven’t yet. The tips, tricks and links in there give you an encyclopedia of knowledge. Almost every question is answered. It has a forum for anyone who has an interest on the subject. I found how I can make a living out on the road and I had a great time looking over the recipes.  The website was started by a couple who wrote everything they could about the preparation to begin their journey, quitting their full time careers to purchasing their fifth-wheel. Then they talk about how they occupy their time out on the road. I highly recommend it for anyone with even the thought of it being a possibility in their future.
Talk about a complete life style change! It’s always fascinated me how people can just leave everything behind. There is an immense about of planning involved. However, when you think about it our retirement years are a complete life style change! Planning for it can and will open a whole new way of life, one that you are the master of. Personally, I don’t want to come home to hubby sitting in a chair and me having to clean up after him!  

1 comment:

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