Saturday, April 16, 2011

weight loss

One of my biggest goals over the last two years has been weight loss. It took 2 years to loose 120 lbs. I have about 30 left to go. My biggest challenge has been maintaining perseverance. I know it took a long time to pack on and that it would take a long time to make it go away. I've always known a weight loss program would never keep me involved for that long. This being the fourth time I've done this my program is what it's always been; eat right/exercise, in that order.


  1. Yep. Eat right and exercise. I hear it works that way. Today I ate right, but it's too dreary outside even to get in the car and go to the gym. Oh, well. Tomorrow is another day.

  2. Hi Linda! I have never been involved with anything that costs money. I know that if I did that I'd have a lot less chance of meeting my goal. So I walk every other day, depending on the weather. I began as soon as the streets cleared this spring and have worked up to my goal of 1 mile. I will pay the extra money on a tray of fruit, already cut up instead. My treat is usually shredded wheat cereal. I love nuts. I also love berries. So the toughest time of year is when the snow falls. That's when I wish houses had built in escalators so I can stair climb! Hubby has thing for sweets and fat. Offers me some, already dished up! Now that's a battle!
