Friday, March 16, 2012

Candle making

Candle making may not be "up everyone's alley", but I was impressed by how easy it is to learn candle making on your own, in your own kitchen! What an idea to do something creative that doesn't require a lot of lifting, stooping or bending! Bonsai is a great idea, however there is some daily, time consuming care that requires the kind of care you would give to your pets. Daily watering and weeding for starters. You have to know a lot about the art of bonsai to just make it live. You can't sell them to just anyone. They will die even with the best care by a very knowledgeable person. So candle making it is.
Candle making supplies are cheep! To start all you need is the wax, wicks, the barrel of a Bic pen and a few wide mouth canning jars. There are plenty of sites online that will give you plenty of insight on candle making and craft stores that carry candle making supplies.  I suggest starting with the supplies you can get at your local craft store. That way you don't end up with 10lbs of wax and 100 wicks requiring shipping cost from a wholesaler.
Candle making does not require a lot of lifting, stooping, walking and bending. We are occupied with ideas for unique candles when we aren't able to be around to make candles. Wax melts at 150 degrees Fahrenheit so you don't have to worry about severe burns. The only thing that truly frustrates us is waiting to sell them. 

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